C (249/254)

From:Daithi O'Cuinn
Date:25 Apr 00 at 21:18:22
Subject:Re: __Stack

Hello Mike

On 25-Apr-00, Mike Carter wrote:

> Well I guess it is better than nothing :-/ I can't believe H&P can
> leave stuff like this out and then a 3rd party developer has to create
> the code, adding additional cost to the development package.

Well, I don't think it is so much H&P leaving out functionality, more some guy
adding extra functionality. Any proper Amiga program should start from
Workbench (shell tools excepted of course) , and thus come with its own icon
in which the stack can be set to whatever, no need for weird compiler
trickery. If a user is in the habit of using the CLI to launch programs, he
should be using a large stack by default anyway, I'd have thought.

If you're doing a shell tool, then you can use the StackSwap function, as
discussed recently.

Basically, this is a 'luxury' item, I think. Not that it is not nice to have
in a compiler of course, but it's not fair on H&P to bash them for this.

IMHO, of course ;)


Daithi O'Cuinn

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