C (246/254)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:25 Apr 00 at 13:59:57
Subject:Re: __Stack

On 24-Apr-00, Mike Carter wrote:

> LONG __stack = 10000; // MUI applications MUST have a stack of at least 8k.

> Is this valid in StormC? Does it use it or ignore it? If it is not
> how its done in StormC 3 ... then how?

I don't think StormC supports automatic stack enlarging, but StormAmiga.lib
You can set the stacksize your program uses with the
definition of "STORMAMIGA_STACK". All you have to do is to
insert the line "#define STORMAMIGA_STACK xxxx" (xxxx is the
stacksize) before you include the includefiles into your
program or define it in the window "compileroptions
preprocessor" via menu preferences.

Sorry, I know this wasn't the answer you were looking for, but it's the best I
can give you...

Regards Allan

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