C (235/254)

From:Kelly Samel
Date:30 Apr 00 at 21:10:37
Subject:Re: vbcc and iff.library

Hello Matthias

On 30-Apr-00, you wrote:

> Hi,
> how can I use iff.library with vbcc?
> I've tried to compile easyexample.c with:
> vc easyexample.c -o easyexample -liff
> The result was:
> struct Library *IntuitionBase, *IFFBase;
> warning 68 in line 34 of
> "Work:compiler/vbcc/machines/amiga/EasyExample.c": redeclaration of
> var <IntuitionBase> with new type

It sounds like IntuitionBase is already declared at the point the
program trys to do it again. Just try this:

struct Library *IFFBase;

and drop IntuitionBase as it seems to be already declared, well
that's about all I can think of anyway. Hope it helps.

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