C (225/254)

From:Joris Kempen
Date:11 Apr 00 at 23:05:37
Subject:[amiga-c]StormC3 and watching variables

Hi again,

After some puzzling with my new StormC 3.0 (now installed back my StormED
2.0, much faster)
i have a problem (i think) with watching variables when debugging...

In StormC2 i did someting like this:

struct Window *my_window;

my_window = OpenWindowTags(etc......);

after this statement i was able to watch the complete struct my_window.

When i do this Storm3 and click in the local variables at my_window to
inspect the variable
the debugger go to another window that has the title my_window->
but it doesn't contain anything...

Am i doing something wrong?

Hope any one can help..


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