C (190/254)

From:Bart King
Date:13 Apr 00 at 23:36:39
Subject:Re: StormC3.0 Ed slooow

"Dirk Harlaar" <harlaar@holyspirit.ping.de> wrote:

> And even without GFX card (sorry, can't afford one ATM) it works
> faster than I can type. And I type pretty fast. I have all 256 colors
> turned on, and it's as fast as I could need, even for larger sources.

Well, it's slower than a turtle trying to walk backwards here. I can type
stuff and it'll appear on the screen a second later - not the sort of thing
a touch-typist likes to see.

I've tried it on every screen mode I can, albeit on my Picasso 2. 640x480,
800x600, 1024x768, 256 colours, 32 colours, 16.7 million - all the same
speed.. slow. Can't use AGA as the monitor won't sync down (not because
it's a fancy PC monitor, it's 14 years old!).

Maybe it's Picasso96. I keep hearing about Cybergraphics 4, but I can't
afford it right now.

Bart King
http://www.bartman.demon.co.uk (half done)
ICQ: 18178781 - IRC: bart (ArcNET)

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