C (189/254)

From:Joris Kempen
Date:13 Apr 00 at 23:06:00
Subject:Re: StormC3.0 Ed slooow

Hello Mike

On 13-Apr-00, you wrote:

> Hiya ,

> I'm gonna have to disagree, at least on my GFX card it is very nice
> and fast (Storm 3 editor) !

I also have a GFX card but just a 030/25. Still very slow, but Storm3 ED was
very fast (fast enough) and it doesn't anything do more(maybe a little)
than Storm2 ED. I really don't get.

I start to like StormC less and less. Also have big problems with starting
new project. Sometimes just hangs. Or when i want to add new files, it
gives me a wrong requester where i can't add files but only select dirs.
Or when i want to open a project i only can select dirs again.

Everything very strange, that's the reason i went back to version 2 (for the



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