C (170/254)

From:Joris Kempen
Date:14 Apr 00 at 13:25:52
Subject:Re: StormC and headers...

Hello Joris

On 14-Apr-00, you wrote:

> Aaah i wish i was a better programmer :) It's just the preprocessor and i
> still don't get it... Sometis i thaught that if you do #include blah.h
> also includes blah.c but if the preproc only does copy/paste this can't
> true, so i probably also need to include test.c in test.h Aaah again

Damn i found out that i am a complete fool!!! Yesterday late night direct
after i wrote previous message i got my solution. Well not a solution it
just was a fault of me...

The only thing i forgot to add to my project was the test.c file itself if i
had a test.h file.

For some stupid reason i always thaught that if i did #include "blah.h" the
compiler would be able to find the test.c file itselfs.

Then i started thinking about compiling from the commmand-line and also in
my ansi-c book found that you need to add all files yourself that you're
using. So the book wasn't the problem at all.

It was just me, but now i have my solution...


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