C (168/254)

From:Alexander Niven-Jenkins
Date:14 Apr 00 at 08:05:07
Subject:Re: StormC and headers...

Hiya Joris,

On 13-Apr-00, you wrote:

> BTW i found out that when i add #include "test.c" in the test.h it works,
> but i never saw this in any other .h files... i searched the whole
> DevCD2.1 but never found.

Normally or according to my C++ book and I think is follows for ANSI-C as
well you have:


// test.c

void something()


// test.h

#ifndef __TEST_H
#define __TEST_H

#include "test.c"

void something();



// main.c

#include "test.h"


Kind regards...


Cremlin Software - http://www.cremlinsoftware.org
Founder, lead programmer - ghandi@cremlinsoftware.org
Production, programmer - anj@cremlinsoftware.org

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