C (165/254)

From:Dirk Harlaar
Date:22 Apr 00 at 21:31:22
Subject:Re: StormC 4 (was Re: StormC3.0 Ed slooow)


> But when I asked about StormC 4, they replied "StormC 4? That's
> news to us.". Surely a major distributor such as Blittersoft -
> which has close links with H&P - would even know about it, even though it's beta?

Well, it has been on the homepage of H&P for a couple of months now,
that they are working on it, expected for the first quarter of this
year. Last mention of it was that H&P will show it in June at a German
show. Information is on <http://www.haage-partner.de/home/sc_e.htm>.
Don't know why Blittersoft didn't/don't know about it?


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