C (161/254)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:29 Apr 00 at 18:31:28
Subject:Re: Storm Docs

On 28-Apr-00, Colin Wenzel wrote:

> I will email H&P & see if I can get some sence out of them....

There's a Storm-mailinglist. Maybe you should write this one instead. The H&P
staff should be subscribed, and that keeps them from answering the same
questions over and over again. But judging from your letter then I don't think
you should bother H&P until you at least do a little bit of trial and error

> In the mean time, does anyone know what to do with these
> GUI thingy-whatsit's, there is a mess of buttons & things everywhere ??

Where? When you start StormC? I only get a small toolbar. If I press 'New
project' I get some other buttons, but they all have meaningful labels...

> There is a "StormCPP" & a "StormLibrarian" visable from WB.

Yes, that's icons. The first is StormC (the developer environment) the second
is a program to create and manage link libraries. You probably don't need to
start this one until you've mastered a "Hello world" ;-)

> Does someone know what the compiler CMD line options are
> or know where I can find this info.... (besides H&P)

If you want to use the compiler in shell mode then you're probably better off
with GCC or similar.

Regards Allan

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