C (131/254)

Date:17 Apr 00 at 15:36:53
Subject:Re: Rexx-Result?

On Wednesday April 12 2000, Rudolph-Riedel@t-Online.de said to All:

RRO> ----
RRO> long result;
RRO> result=0;
RRO> ----

RRO> So result is "0" if the file exist, "1" if it`s a dir and "-1" if the
RRO> file doesn`t exist.

Ahhh.. I see the problem. Result2 must be set as a 'Rexx String' - it's
typecast as a long, but it must hold a string pointer. Try this:

UBYTE *res;

res = "0";
rm->rm_Result2 = (LONG)CreateArgstring( res, strlen( res ) )

Neil Williams, Cymru. mailto:neil@aio.co.uk ICQ:18223711 2:442/107
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