C (127/254)

Date:12 Apr 00 at 12:18:14
Subject:Re: Rexx-Result?

On Tuesday April 11 2000, Rudolph-Riedel@t-Online.de said to All:

RRO> /* */
RRO> parse arg Port
RRO> Address VALUE Port

RRO> Filestat 'c:list' var lala
RRO> say 'c:list' lala.size lala.comment

This say has set result to ''.

RRO> say result

Try removing this one and using:

say 'c:list ' lala.size lala.comment '0a'x result

where newline = '0a'x

RRO> CALL EXISTS("c:list")
RRO> say result

There is an exists() funtion already in ARexx which doesn't return anything in
result (it returns true or false in RC).

RRO> Where am I supposed to store the result when setting up an ARexx
RRO> message?

RRO> Both rm_Result1; and rm_Result2; doesn`t work here.

Result2 is used for result strings.

It's okay to set Result with SetRexxVar() too..

Neil Williams, Cymru. mailto:neil@aio.co.uk ICQ:18223711 2:442/107
AIO: http://www.aio.co.uk TKG: http://www.tkgbbs.freeserve.co.uk
Zeus Developments, BBS s/w: http://www.bleach.demon.co.uk/zeus/

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