C (119/254)

From:Alexander Niven-Jenkins
Date:05 Apr 00 at 23:20:18
Subject:Re: Please! Workbench and console...

Hiya Allan,

On 05-Apr-00, you wrote:

> *For the last time:* You have one main() with standard ANSI-C invocation
> and one wbmain() which are invoked with the WBStartup-message.

So you keep saying, for example:

*** test program ***


#include <stormamiga.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <iostream.h>

void main()
cout << "workbench" << endl;

> But if you use stormamiga.lib (which your define hints) then just do a
> normal main, cause stormamiga.lib will supply a wbmain() which should
> setup stdin/out and call main()...

If run via CLI it prints 'workbench', but if run from WB I do not get any
output. That's the problem! And I think the problem the other person on
the list is having.

Kind regards...


Cremlin Software - http://www.cremlinsoftware.org
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