Blitz (8/213)

From:David McMinn
Date:2 May 2000 at 14:11:09
Subject:Re: An oddity

Hi Curt

> > Any ideas why setting something like ANIMS to zero might cause this
> > problem? I didn't get any "Value out of maximum range" errors.
> I've tried doing this too, with the same results... Or, sometimes, am
> instant GURU when the program ends, or even when it starts.

Thats probably badly written libraries. Like you say later, some commands may
use these objects internally but not check that they have been initialised.

> I did find by trial and error that it was only certain objects that caused a
> problem if set to 0, and it seemed to be safe to set everything to 1.

It should be safe to leave them as they are. When you do a "make smallest"
compile or create an executable Blitz will work out how much memory it needs to
allocate for objects and use the smallest amount. You can try it by whacking
them up, it should still use the same amount as the smaller of the two settings.

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694
'I don't care how good you say they are. I ain't fightin' alongside
no fuck-ass teddy bears.' - Samuel L. Jackson, Jedi

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