Blitz (75/213)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:15 May 2000 at 19:16:09
Subject:Re: FTPeeing

I watched as Simon Smith hammered "FTPeeing" out on their keyboard...

> Hello, Simon here, still I'm struggling with the
> FTPeeing of programs to aminet. I read a book on
> internet protocols, and what the hell a File Transfer
> Protocol is. All I got was some DEEPLY EXCITING
> information on TCP/IP.

Most programming books are like that :)

> I'm curious to know what address do you guys usually
> use, and is thier certain times of day when the aminet
> is not on-line. I usually try between 1:00pm and
> 2:00pm BST, and the program says. "Contacting host"
> and then gives up and retries after 10 seconds. Then
> it keeps trying but I get no joy at all. It just says
> the host won't respond.

Aminet US is on 24 hours a day, what client are you using?

| Rick Hodger | | |
| *SimpleFTP v2.36* | |
| /Founder of Pagan Software/ | |
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