Blitz (38/213)

From:Rob Hutchinson
Date:6 May 2000 at 21:46:19
Subject:Re: Blitz Basic on the PC!

Hello Frederic
> Hello David,
>> Hi Fred
>>> :*). Simply as powerful as usual. I'm curious to see if the PureBasic
>>> will be faster than Blitz :). But its should as all has been written in
>>> Pure x86 asm, for optimum speed & compactness.
>> Who is doing the x86 ASM? Not to mention having to understand the Windows
>> API! I had a look at both a long time ago and never got into them. If its
>> you Fred, then you will be my programming god forever ;)
> Hum, God ? Why not :*). Yes, it'me which does all the x86 ASM stuff and
> Windows API call (still in ASM :). Am I mad or what ? I know the 3 most

Lucky you :).. I only know one... And its the most obsolete unfortunately.
Especially as its the best :)

> important ASM langage today: 680x0, PowerPC and x86. Asm Rulez ? 680x0
> yes, x86 doesn't :). About the Windows API, if you have a good doc, it's

And which doc is that? :))

> just like the AmigaOS (more or less..). Do you know than a button (gadget)
> on Windows is a.... Windows ? A bit particular but you use


> CreateWindowEx() to create a combobox, a pushbutton... Strange &
> unoptimized :)

Windows............ Unoptimised......... NOOOOOOO??? Really? :)))))

Personally I like the way MUI lays out for you.. Windows doesn`t
do this properly :(, it can do alignment, but they never move how
you want them too :(

> Bye,

Rob, -
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