Blitz (168/213)

From:Tony Rolfe
Date:25 May 2000 at 22:21:19
Subject:Re: Bug in Lof?

On Thu, 25 May 2000 15:32:40 +0100 Gareth Griffiths said:
> /me places a bet that I am the only person in the world with a dodgy
> ;)

To make you feel better.

IBM have a program on their MVS (and predecessor OS's all the way back
to the early sixties) systems called IEFBR14 (Don't ask!).

This simply exists because all job steps in IBM JCL have to execute a
program. The code is simply a return to the caller (RTS in our
terms) which in IBM ASM is "Branch to the address in R14" or
" BR 14".

The original version of this program ran for about 10 years until they
realised that it had a BUG!

It didn't set the return code to success and so some JCL strings
started crashing out when a change was made to the underlying OS call.

They had to add a "SR 15,15" instruction to clear Reg 15 before
returning thereby doubling the size of the executable!

So don't worry, if IBM can screw up a one instruction program, what
hope is there for the rest of us??

Tony Rolfe
Amiga 2000, 68030/25, 1+8Mb
ICQ #51271965

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