Blitz (137/213)

From:Tony Rolfe
Date:24 May 2000 at 22:50:52
Subject:Adding GTString gadgets

I've just hit a small problem.

I need to add a number of GT Gadgets to an existing gadget list, have
them displayed on the window and not lose the data displayed in the
existing gadgets.

Basically, I don't know which gadgets to display until the user has
entered data into one gadget. I realise that I could break it up
into two displays, but that would be a different 'look and feel' from
the rest of the program.

Is there some sort of system call RefreshGTList_ or something similar,
or do I need to be cleverer than that?


Tony Rolfe
Amiga 2000, 68030/25, 1+8Mb
ICQ #51271965

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