Blitz (135/213)

From:Rob Hutchinson
Date:17 May 2000 at 09:58:18
Subject:Re: Satanic Dreams - TCP/IP and MUI libraries...

> This is just to let people know that Rob Hutchinson has (due to death of
> hardware) passed development of the SDSTCP library and the current EFMUI
> library onto me.
> If you want to report bugs etc. in these libs, send them to me and not to
> Rob. I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with the EFMUI lib yet, and

Yeah good idea :)

> know Rob has added some stuff for custom classes to it...but I haven't
> looked at that yet...

I added PILES of stuff.. Though most of it is just crap and for the lazy
like me.. It was my plan to rip out the shortcut commands, the NList stuff
(the List stuff that was duplicated for NList) Because it didn`t work
And add a few notes and examples on how to use NList hooks. So it can
be done properly.. Give me a bell if you manage to figure out a way to
build NList hooks with a command.. I could never figure a way to do it..
Except actually building the hook with ASM instructions in memory
(sort of like the dispatcher hook code but much more complex).

> Anyway, I'll post the current version of the TCP library up on my homepage
> somemtime this evening, for those of you that can't find it on the SDS
> homepage (I know I can't :).

There isn`t a page for it..
I just gave out the URLs here.

Though I added commands for IP grabbing, IP converting, host grabbing, etc
to V2.1 which wasn`t released, but Rick has now.. So will be good if you
make some additions to the docs and release V2.1? The commands I`m sure are
highlighted as added to V2.1 somewhere in the code (possibly).

Also Rick, the 2-Way chat program I did that I sent you, has a command for
setting up and binding a socket.. which I was about to convert to ASM and
then release V2.1. But never got round to it :(.. It should be easy enoug
for you
to convert. :)

Have fun.. :)

Rob "no sig" Hutchinson. :)

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