Blitz (129/213)

Date:24 May 2000 at 00:35:59
Subject:Re: Changing tasks...

The 23-Maj-00, Daniel Dundelski wrote:

> How to freez this task (or loop) at the time, when the programm
> screen is not active one? And unfreez it when it becoms active again???

One thing you can do is something like this:

active.l = ActiveScreen
scraddy.l=Peek.l(Addr Screen(#scrnnr))
if ( active = scraddy)
screen is active, do something, check for keys pressed, change
textpage etc
screen is not active, do a freeze, maybe a delay() etc

Are you using the OS, or is it a Blitz-mode program? WaitEvent() and Event()
are quite nice calls. Also, remember there are a lot of gfxboard users out

Well, I did a diskmag that works both for AGA and RTG. Msg me in private if
you need more information or suggestions/help about this matter.

"God is Real until declared Integer"
_Peter Thor_, Amiga programmer in Assembler/Blitz/C/C++
IRC: Joru on Amiganet, #Amiga, #Multiplayer
ICQ: 11277616,,

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