Blitz (121/213)

From:Daniel Dundelski
Date:23 May 2000 at 11:26:18
Subject:Changing tasks...


questions. What is the best way to speedup writting text into a
window (one line has 40 or 80 characters, it depens of that if the
article has one or two columns)??? To show text I'm doing something like
this. I have two bitmaps. On first (which is behind the other) I'm
writting text (in window) and blitting shapes, then I'm copying the square
(640x184) to the second bitmap (which is in front). The copy process is
doing in that way. I get a shape (640x8) from bitmap 0 and blit it in
bitmap 1 (the visable one). I do that until y position of blitting shape
reach 196 (+/-). Hmm... is there any faster way to do that (change this
square)??? Another thing. To create first bitmap I'm using
CludgeBitmap. And whan I want to copy this bitmap to then second one, the
debbuger shows error that the source bitmap doesn't exist. Why??? What's
the problem???

corner it has depth gadget to change screens. I wonder, if the standart
amiga screen's depth gadget will be active??? Strange but I didn't try it
so far. Any way. Now when I opened a screen (640x256) I'm opening a window
(640x256 too) to shows text. And two bitmaps (640x256). The original
screen depth gadget is hide by the window. I make a zone in right up
corner and when I click on it the screen is changing by the WBenchToFront_
command. but there is one main problem. The task of my programm is still
active :(( So even when I'm click on the WB screen (and it becomes the
active one), all zones, keys still do their functions :(( ie. pressing F1
key will change the playing module or pressign Esc key will end the
programm. How to freez this task (or loop) at the time, when the programm
screen is not active one? And unfreez it when it becoms active again???

Sorry that this email is so long, but I tried to explain completly the
problems I have (but I think I didn't).

Kind Redgadrs

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