Blitz (117/213)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:19 May 2000 at 22:04:09
Subject:Re: D'oh...

I watched as Tony Rolfe hammered "Re: D'oh..." out on their keyboard...

> On Thu, 18 May 2000 16:25:58 +0100 Rick Hodger said:

>> Um....can someone remind me how you put a string - eg. "testing" - into a
>> variable like "*name.b"?

> Poke.s &variable, "String" (or String$)

> Can't use *Name.b coz you can't have pointer to byte.
> You need to have pointer to Newtype containing byte

Okay, I'll explain what it is. MUI provides built-in functions for ARexx.
But to use it, you need to tell MUI what commands you want to accept. You
do this by using the MUI_Commands structure, which looks like:

Newtype .MUI_Command
End Newtype

I'm using the following code to add an ARexx command:

Dim arexx.MUI_Command(1)
MUISet #APP,#MUIA_Application_Commands,&arexx

The second line, should cause a "connect" command to be created, that when
called will return #CONNECT through the usual MUIEvent/MUIWaitEvent.

However, the list of commands returned by the program, merely contains a
blank line where it should say "CONNECT". Leaving the code out, results in
no blank line...but no command either :/

It's probably something I'm doing wrong...but I just don't know...

PS: You get an MUI applications list of commands by sending a "HELP
RAM:COMMANDS.TXT", it'll create a file, RAM:COMMANDS.TXT containing the

| Rick Hodger | | |
| *SimpleFTP v2.43* | |
| /Founder of Pagan Software/ | |
A kibble is one thousand nibbles.

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