Blitz (104/213)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:18 May 2000 at 09:27:30
Subject:Re: Blitz vs patches conflicts (was: Bug in Lof?)

I watched as Arno hammered "Blitz vs patches conflicts (was: Bug in Lof?)"
out on their keyboard...

> Hi to everyone,

>>> Also, anyone got any ideas why the REDDebugger
>>> crashes everytime I try and
>>> run a program? I have to turn it off in Compiler
>>> Options now :/
>> I sometimes had this problem if I had VisualPrefs
>> running. I ended up uninstalling it and I hadn't had
>> any problems since then.

> I had such a problem with newicons too, I guessed it was because of the
> sprite that must be used to make them fast and transparents, but
> couldn't (and still can't) figure out why *really* ?

I've been using Newicons since about v2, and they've never given me any
problems. Although the OS3.5 icon system doesn't appear to like whatever
it is Blitz is doing to make AppIcons.

> Is there somewhere on the net a list of conflicts like those?

> If not, we could try to build one, I think some of us (including me)
> might be surprised...

The problem is that some of that stuff is going to depend a lot on the
individual users setup. It's like MCP all over again. It works for some
people just fine, but won't for others (even on completely bare systems).

| Rick Hodger | | |
| *SimpleFTP v2.43* | |
| /Founder of Pagan Software/ | |
Famous last words: What happens if you touch these two wires tog--

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