Blitz (10/213)

From:Curt Esser
Date:2 May 2000 at 12:57:16
Subject:Re: An oddity

Hi Tony

On 01-May-00, Tony Rolfe wrote:
> I recently decided to tidy up the "Maximum" fields in the "Compiler
> Options" window. So I set everything I don't use to zero and left
> everything I do use as it was.
> The program compiled and ran OK, but when I shut down, the screen
> wouldn't go away. Reboot and try again. Same thing.
> Any ideas why setting something like ANIMS to zero might cause this
> problem? I didn't get any "Value out of maximum range" errors.

I've tried doing this too, with the same results... Or, sometimes, am
instant GURU when the program ends, or even when it starts.

I'm not sure why - maybe some Blitz commands use these objects internally
without you realizing it, or quite possibly it's a bug in the shutdown,
when Blitz tries to free everything when the program ends.

I did find by trial and error that it was only certain objects that caused a
problem if set to 0, and it seemed to be safe to set everything to 1.


Yours electronically,
Curt Esser

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