Blitz (1/213)

From:David McMinn
Date:1 May 2001 at 11:21:01
Subject:Re: GTMX Gadgets

Tony Rolfe's head burst.
All we could scrape off the wall was GTMX Gadgets.

> My new window has 3 GTString gadgets and one GTMX Gadget with 5
> options. The top string is activated by default. I was getting no
> IDCMP message from the GTMX, so I have added #IDCMP_GADGETDOWN
> and now I get a message from the GTMX, but whenever I click on it I
> get a gadgetup on the active string, before the gadget down on the
> GTMX. I also still get no gadgetup from the GTMX.
> Has anyone used these gadgets? Is there some flag I should set for
> the GTMX to give me a gadgetup?

gtmx gadgets only produce gadgetdown messages. you can't avoid the gadgetups
from the string gadget either.


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