BVPPC (6/63)

From:Justin Young
Date:2 May 2000 at 13:20:37
Subject:Re: And here's MY excuse

Hello Robbin

On 02-May-00, you wrote:

> I DID IT!!!!! After a 10 day struggle I finally succeeded in getting my 15.3
> GB

> Ive written a txtfile on how to do it, but its still in Dutch. If there's
> enough demand ill translate it, for now Ill summarize it a bit.

I could really use this!!!!

> Afterwards, I installed PFS3, and updated it to V3.5, you should be able to
> get by without it, but its a must for large drives IMO.
> Install it somewhere on your old drive.
> Now, install idefix, you could use a demo if you want, but the demo
> requesters can get quite annoying ;)
> Make sure its in the startup-sequence, c:idefix is all you need as the
> first line.
> Then, get HDtoolbox from Workbench3.1, and place it on your old drive,
> reboot and fire up HDtoolbox.

> Now, theres 2 methods to get them to show up correctly:
> 1)
> If you run kickstart3.0, install a rekicker like blizkick or cybermap,
> make sure you use the correct kickfile! Only blizkick 1.21 works here, the
> template I use is:
> C:Blizkick EXTRESBUF=2048 SPEEDROM QUICKBOOT Devs:kick40068.A1200 QUIET
> Now the first 8GB will show up. After this, its time to install a patch to
> get the partitions above 8GB to show up, you'll need
> IDE_scsidisk.device4321b.lha, so get it from aminet. The internal IDE patch
> in blizkick didnt work for me, btw.

I couldn't find this file. Could you send it to me.

> Install the patch, put a line straight after blizkick, I used:
> c:loadv43module >NIL: c:a300.ld.strip REBOOT (voor a1200)
> You cant put this BEFORE blizkick, coz it needs 3.1 roms.. :/
> If you have kickstart 3.1, YOU ONLY NEED THIS PATCH!
> reboot, which will take quite some time now, and all partitions will show
> up.
> Problem is, rekicking doesnt work very well here, and I didnt like the long
> boot-up, so, I tried something else, method 2:

> Any questions?

Justin Young

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