BVPPC (54/63)

From:Jacek Rzeuski
Date:30 May 2000 at 19:25:19
Subject:Re: Installation of new BVision


On 29-May-00, Philip Corner wrote:

PC>> Old monitors don't allow high resolutions with high refresh rates.
PC>> Don't you care about your eyes?

PC> Is this the difference? 50Hz Vs 70Hz?

Don't tell me you can't see that difference!

PC> Eyetech seem to use the phrases
PC> interchangeably. Also, what does the other frequency (15Hz and 30Hz)
PC> refer to?

15-30kHz. That's horizontal scan frequency

PC> It's somewhat embarrasing that I don't know this stuff, given
PC> I study computer animation, but I've always just plugged the monitor in
PC> and it goes. This is the major gap in understanding I have of graphics
PC> hardware. Mind you, I don't suppose a PC owner gives it a second
PC> thought, either.

Read CGXMode4 manual.

PC> Power, official UK supplier of BVision, and their tower doesn't support
PC> it? That's got to be some sort of scandal!

It isn't their tower. They only sell it. It's manufactured here in Poland by

PC>> Delete ppc.library from LIBS:, reset the computer and check again.
PC>> Current version is 46.31

PC> Delete it? Do I not need that to make the computer go?

It's in flashrom.

Kind regards

Jacek Rzeuski ICQ # 15729819 Handy: +48 90 295 299

A1200T 3.1 040/33 603e/266 SCSI BV 21" monitor 3xHD CD modem

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