BVPPC (53/63)

From:Jacek Rzeuski
Date:30 May 2000 at 19:26:34
Subject:Re: Installation of new BVision


On 29-May-00, Roald Oosterhoff wrote:

RO> 10.WB3.1:> version ppc.library full internal
RO> ppc.library 46.31 ( 7-04-*2036*)
RO> � 1996-2000 by Ralph Schmidt

RO> 2036? =)

RO> Guess Amiga aint 100% y2k proof =)

Amiga is. Ralph's compiler or versionstring generator isn't.

Kind regards

Jacek Rzeuski ICQ # 15729819 Handy: +48 90 295 299

A1200T 3.1 040/33 603e/266 SCSI BV 21" monitor 3xHD CD modem

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