BVPPC (5/63)

From:Robbin Van Ooy
Date:1 May 2000 at 19:07:50
Subject:And here's MY excuse

I DID IT!!!!! After a 10 day struggle I finally succeeded in getting my 15.3
drive to work! Where should I start, Ive got kickstart 3.0 roms, I dont
softkick 3.1 either. I dont have an IDE express of Powerflyer and I dont
use any patches.

Ive written a txtfile on how to do it, but its still in Dutch. If there's
enough demand ill translate it, for now Ill summarize it a bit.

First off, make sure youve set the jumpers right, drives over 8gb usually
come with two jumper diagrams, the first one is for PC's that dont have a
BIOS that supports drives over 8Gb, the second one is the one you should

Configure it as slave, and boot from your normal drive.

Afterwards, I installed PFS3, and updated it to V3.5, you should be able to
get by without it, but its a must for large drives IMO.

Install it somewhere on your old drive.

Now, install idefix, you could use a demo if you want, but the demo
requesters can get quite annoying ;)

Make sure its in the startup-sequence, c:idefix is all you need as the
first line.

Then, get HDtoolbox from Workbench3.1, and place it on your old drive,
reboot and fire up HDtoolbox.

With idefix running, HDtoolbox should be able to get the correct specs from
the drive, although the total size will probably be 'negative'. Go to the
partition window and if all went well you should now be able to partition
the fill 15gb (just move the sliders a bit).

After partitioning, add PFS3 to the filesystem list, use the direct-SCSI
version, and be carefull, its case-sensitive. Fill in the dostype when
asked for, I used 0x50445303 which worked fine :), click OK.

Back in the partitioning screen, click on Change and change the Filesystem
to PFS3DS. Do the same for all partitions and save changes to drive. (turn
off MCP using c:exchange if it gives an error 28)

Now, lets format the thing. Reboot and open a shell window. Cd to
PFS3:tools/ and format the partitions using PFSformat (DONT USE WB FORMAT)
do a full format with verify, and make sure the partitions dont clash with
your old drive, as that would format both partitions! (this happenned to

After formattig all partitions, do a QUICK FORMAT on all of them again!
very important, use PFSformat for this again.

After a reboot, several things can happen, depending on your kickstart and

kickstart3.0: The partitions under the first 4GB or 8GB will show up.
kickstart3.1: The partitions under the first 8GB will show up.
OS3.5: Possibly all partitions will show up, but its not likely.

The other partitions will show up as NO-DOS.

Now, theres 2 methods to get them to show up correctly:


If you run kickstart3.0, install a rekicker like blizkick or cybermap,
make sure you use the correct kickfile! Only blizkick 1.21 works here, the
template I use is:

C:Blizkick EXTRESBUF=2048 SPEEDROM QUICKBOOT Devs:kick40068.A1200 QUIET

Now the first 8GB will show up. After this, its time to install a patch to
get the partitions above 8GB to show up, you'll need

IDE_scsidisk.device4321b.lha, so get it from aminet. The internal IDE patch
in blizkick didnt work for me, btw.

Install the patch, put a line straight after blizkick, I used:

c:loadv43module >NIL: c:a300.ld.strip REBOOT (voor a1200)

You cant put this BEFORE blizkick, coz it needs 3.1 roms.. :/

If you have kickstart 3.1, YOU ONLY NEED THIS PATCH!

reboot, which will take quite some time now, and all partitions will show

Problem is, rekicking doesnt work very well here, and I didnt like the long
boot-up, so, I tried something else, method 2:


Dosdrivers! Yes, the blizkick docs will tell ya that this is the best way
to do it, and they are right!

Write dosdrivers for every partition that shows up as NO-DOS and you'll be
fine. Here's an example from my drive:

cut here---8<-----------------------------

/* DOSDriver for Maxtor device: NHD2 */

Device = scsi.device Unit = 1
Flags = 0
Surfaces = 16
BlocksPerTrack = 63
LowCyl = 2035
HighCyl = 10162
Reserved = 0
Blocksize = 512
Stacksize = 4096
Priority = 5
GlobVec = -1
Buffers = 300
BufMemType = 1
DosType = 0x50465303
FileSystem = l:PFS3ds

cut here---8<---------------------------

Make sure you've got the unit right, especially after putting out the old
drive and replacing it with the new, so it becomes a master device (which
will make it unit=0)

The device is fine, the surfaces and BPT can be found on the back of your
harddrive, or at the manufacturer's website, or at

Lowcyl and Highcyl are values you can get from HDtoolbox, select the
partition, click advanced options and voila, down-left, there they are.

The rest is fine as it is now, in most cases you will only need to change
the Lowcyl and Highcyl.

Do the same for every other partition, replacing those values every time,
and put the drivers in devs:dosdrivers/

Now reboot and all partitions will show up!

Do some testing, fill the first partition with files, then do a full format
on some other partitions. If the files on the first remain intact, its

The NO-DOS icons will still be there, unflag 'automount'�in HDtoolbox to
solve this.

Thats it, works fine for me,and Im sure it will for many others.

Some extra tips&tricks:

DONT USE HDINSTOOLS! It doesnt read the correct values, its formatting
doesnt work as it should, and HDtoolbox does the job just fine anyway :)

Make sure your first partition doesnt exceed 4GB!!!! VERY IMPORTANT!!! You
wont be able to boot if its too large!!

If botting with no ss doesnt work with 2 drives attached, pull out the
power cables from the drive you wont need from the boot-up CLI :^)

Dont set the PFS3 max filename length too large! This could clash with
certain programs.

Be carefull with partition and device names.. :^)

And keep this mail forever :)

Any questions?

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