BVPPC (49/63)

From:Roald Oosterhoff
Date:29 May 2000 at 19:30:35
Subject:Re: Installation of new BVision

Hello Philip

On 29-May-00, Philip Corner wrote:

PC> I realise that a nice big monitor is a good idea, but the nice big hole
PC> it leaves in my account is not if I then can't get the BVision to work,
PC> which wouldn't surprise me in the least, given past experience with
PC> Phase 5 and the things I've read on this list (5 fans indeed!)
PC> With all those monitors lying around at university, it's surprising I
PC> can't blag one off someone for testing. I expect most of you have it
PC> easier; if you already own a PC, you can just use that monitor for
PC> testing, then buy another one later.

I've been using my old Microvitec 14" multiscan (also sold with Amiga
labels, Amiga M1438 I think). I can use an 800*600 res max (well...few
pixels bigger really). And that's already getting to big for a 14" for my
liking...but well...I aint got any cash either =)

PC> Is this the difference? 50Hz Vs 70Hz? Eyetech seem to use the phrases
PC> interchangeably. Also, what does the other frequency (15Hz and 30Hz)
PC> refer to? It's somewhat embarrasing that I don't know this stuff, given
PC> I study computer animation, but I've always just plugged the monitor in
PC> and it goes. This is the major gap in understanding I have of graphics
PC> hardware. Mind you, I don't suppose a PC owner gives it a second
PC> thought, either.

You do notice the difference between 50Hz and 70Hz..your PAL tv is 50Hz..but
some expensive models are 100Hz..and the picture is much
smoother/relaxed...much less straining for your eyes to watch.

PC> Power, official UK supplier of BVision, and their tower doesn't support
PC> it? That's got to be some sort of scandal!

Oh well...Amiga's have been hacked/changed/modified so much the last
years...and prices are skyhigh..and dealers charge fortunes for even the
smallest modification...

PC>> Delete ppc.library from LIBS:, reset the computer and check again.
PC>> Current version is 46.31
PC> Delete it? Do I not need that to make the computer go?

It's in the flashrom of your BlizzPPC, to find out the version of the
ppc.lib in rom even while you have it in libs: is:

Version PPC.library INTERNAL FULL (full to see the date)


Roald Oosterhoff

IRC: oDiN^ on #AmigaNL (IRCnet)
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