BVPPC (48/63)

From:Philip Corner
Date:29 May 2000 at 18:22:40
Subject:Re: Installation of new BVision

Hello Jacek

On 29-May-00, Jacek Rzeuski wrote:

>> on a BVision, or are certain models required? I only ask because you
>> often see letters in magazines complaining their display doesn't quite
>> fill the whole screen, etc. I presume the the main problem is for
>> scandoublers, though. I have my eye on a Samsung Syncmaster 3 (second
>> hand). Despite its name, I don't think it is a multisync. Of course,
>> once I make sure the card is working, I'll go out and get a proper
>> monitor.
> I strongly suggest buying decent monitor with at least 17" screen to get the
> best out of BVision.

I realise that a nice big monitor is a good idea, but the nice big hole it
leaves in my account is not if I then can't get the BVision to work, which
wouldn't surprise me in the least, given past experience with Phase 5 and the
things I've read on this list (5 fans indeed!)

With all those monitors lying around at university, it's surprising I can't
blag one off someone for testing. I expect most of you have it easier; if you
already own a PC, you can just use that monitor for testing, then buy another
one later.

>> I've just has a look at the instructions at it continally talks about
>> VGA monitors. I'm confused. I thought I already had a VGA monitor (TV
>> resolution style. The classic Philips CM8833-II) and it was a SVGA I
>> would be able to use, with nice high screenmodes. Is this a typo in the
>> instructions? Can somebody please explain to me, simply, what I have and
>> what I need!
> Old monitors don't allow high resolutions with high refresh rates. Don't you
> care about your eyes?

Is this the difference? 50Hz Vs 70Hz? Eyetech seem to use the phrases
interchangeably. Also, what does the other frequency (15Hz and 30Hz) refer
to? It's somewhat embarrasing that I don't know this stuff, given I study
computer animation, but I've always just plugged the monitor in and it goes.
This is the major gap in understanding I have of graphics hardware. Mind you,
I don't suppose a PC owner gives it a second thought, either.

I do care about my eyes (most of the other parts of my body could fall off and
I wouldn't really care), but I've been coping with this old thing for so long
now that anything else is going to be a significant improvement.

>> Power Tower manual says there is a connector for a floppy drive on it,
>> but I can't see one (not on the top surface at least; I'm somewhat
>> loathed to remove the PCB when it took me so long to put it in all those
>> months ago). The picture is badly photocopied. If I do need to plug
>> power into those pins, which way does it go? Does anyone with a
>> PowerTower have a solution to using indicator lights and adding power at
>> the same time?
> You can't do that hack in PowerTower without soldering.

I thought as much. I'll contact power and see if there's a widget in the
pipeline to allow this. I don't suppose it'd be too difficult for them to

Power, official UK supplier of BVision, and their tower doesn't support it?
That's got to be some sort of scandal!

>> Finally, how do I check the version of the firmware installed on my
>> blizzard card? I issued the command "version ppc.library" and got back
>> 46.19 . This seems unusually high given the board's age (jan 99, though
>> it did go back for repairs and not come back for months). I'm surprised
>> it is higher than the 45.6 the manual recommends.

> Delete ppc.library from LIBS:, reset the computer and check again. Current
> version is 46.31

Delete it? Do I not need that to make the computer go?



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