BVPPC (47/63)

From:Jacek Rzeuski
Date:29 May 2000 at 18:48:09
Subject:Re: Installation of new BVision


On 29-May-00, Philip Corner wrote:

PC> I've finally got my BVision graphics card after having waited eight
PC> months for it (who says things move slowly in the Amiga world?). Now, I
PC> haven't tried to fit it yet because I don't have an SVGA monitor for it.
PC> What I'd likr to know is, is it okay to buy any old SVGA monitor for use
PC> on a BVision, or are certain models required? I only ask because you
PC> often see letters in magazines complaining their display doesn't quite
PC> fill the whole screen, etc. I presume the the main problem is for
PC> scandoublers, though. I have my eye on a Samsung Syncmaster 3 (second
PC> hand). Despite its name, I don't think it is a multisync. Of course,
PC> once I make sure the card is working, I'll go out and get a proper
PC> monitor.

I strongly suggest buying decent monitor with at least 17" screen to get the
best out of BVision.

PC> I've just has a look at the instructions at it continally talks about
PC> VGA monitors. I'm confused. I thought I already had a VGA monitor (TV
PC> resolution style. The classic Philips CM8833-II) and it was a SVGA I
PC> would be able to use, with nice high screenmodes. Is this a typo in the
PC> instructions? Can somebody please explain to me, simply, what I have and
PC> what I need!

Old monitors don't allow high resolutions with high refresh rates. Don't you
care about your eyes?

PC> Also, I see in the "manual" that it may be necessary to plug power from
PC> the PSU into the old connector for the floppy drive. Not only does this
PC> sound a bit dodgy, but it also appears to be impossible as my Powertower
PC> plugs into that set of pins in order to supply the indicator lights. If
PC> it doesn't actually use the power, it certainly obscures the pins. The
PC> Power Tower manual says there is a connector for a floppy drive on it,
PC> but I can't see one (not on the top surface at least; I'm somewhat
PC> loathed to remove the PCB when it took me so long to put it in all those
PC> months ago). The picture is badly photocopied. If I do need to plug
PC> power into those pins, which way does it go? Does anyone with a
PC> PowerTower have a solution to using indicator lights and adding power at
PC> the same time?

You can't do that hack in PowerTower without soldering.

PC> Finally, how do I check the version of the firmware installed on my
PC> blizzard card? I issued the command "version ppc.library" and got back
PC> 46.19 . This seems unusually high given the board's age (jan 99, though
PC> it did go back for repairs and not come back for months). I'm surprised
PC> it is higher than the 45.6 the manual recommends. Is this the right way
PC> to find out the boards firmware revision? The instructions for updates
PC> are filled with dire warnings about screwing up your falsh rom. Has
PC> anyone ever done this?

Delete ppc.library from LIBS:, reset the computer and check again. Current
version is 46.31

Kind regards

Jacek Rzeuski ( ICQ # 15729819

A1200T 3.1 040/33 603e/266 SCSI BV 21" monitor 3xHD CD modem

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