BVPPC (37/63)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:23 May 2000 at 00:48:11
Subject:Re: I cant believe it :)

On 16-May-00, you wrote:

>>> Ive had more before, definately always in the 90's.. :/
>> Do you think it�s slower �cos of the refix?
> Definately. Lower busspeed means lower performance, especially in apps
> like thos, thay depend more on high busspeed than high clock frequency.

Ok, so the refix lowers the busspeed, didn�t know that.

>>> And.. any idea where I can get the old one from? :)
>> I can send it to you private if you want but I think the old version was
>> uploaded on aminet aswell.
> It doesnt look like it, can you send me the old version? I hope you've got
> cable :^) Use my private email adress :)

It�s sent (better late than never eh? :))

> If you're talking about enforce then yes, it happens for all of us. When
> you dont move, the fps will go through the roof, its like comparing
> timerefresh in Quake with timedemo.

Well I think it depends a bit on the program. When you don�t move in
Quake/enforce etc the engine doesn�t have to recalc the rotations, maybe it
does anyway so it doesn�t get big fps shiftings. But the Skyfly demo always
moves so it has to recalc the rotations even when you don�t move the mouse.
But it is probably as you say the context switching, but 8-10 fps sounds a

>> Yeah, but this seams more like some hardware conflict caused by my dodgy
>> keyboard interface. Anyone else had this problem and manage to fix it?
> Cant answer this one, Im using the kb interface that comes with the Elbox.

Don�t think it�s my dodgy keyboard interface then �cos I have also one from
Elbox :)

>>>> Btw, sorry for the a bit of topic discussion :)
>>> Well, if this wasnt on-topic, what is? :)
>> Oh well it�s not really much about bvppc :)
> Is it not? its where the software runs on isnt it? :)

Haha, Ok, then I can write about anything that runs on my WB then? :)


Robert Kihl

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