AmigaOS3.5 (965/967)

Date:31 May 2000 at 23:23:11
Subject:Re: cps rates

Hello Johan

On 31-May-2OOO, You Said:

>>> what is the average cps rates ? i use miami with yam..

>> Well on my A12OO 030 Pace 56k modem, Using Miami, I connect at
>> 5,200 & my download speeds are between 5,400/5,500cps Upload
>> speeds are around 3,300cps. I'm told that this is very good speed.
>> Don't really know what the average speed is for other users....

> That is indeed very high. Do you use the standard serial port?
> If so, then your values are even more incredible.

:) A lot of Pea Sea chaps are amazed aswell at this speed!!! :)
As for the serial port, I'm using the standard internal one.



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