AmigaOS3.5 (864/967)

From:Kennedy, Bob
Date:26 May 2000 at 13:48:01
Subject:RE: Too many icon?

> Hi there all
> Have any of you, had the problem of too many icons???
> I did the per-install and that work well, re-boot and start
> to main-install I
> get to the point "preparing icons" and that is as far as I get!!
> Did any of you get the same problem and/or do any of you have a few
> idea/suggestions please send this way!!
> Best Regards
> Dylan Heaton
Hi Dylan,

One thing I found with several installs & reinstalls of 3.5 is that the
'prepping icons' function is erratic. It seems to search every resource on
the machine. I guess, in theory it is only supposed to work on the boot
partition. However, I have found 3.5 style icons three levels deep on
non-boot partitions/drives. The last time I reinstalled 3.5 I disabled
everything but the boot partition from the early startup menu. That
installation took less than twenty minutes from start to finish, including
backdrops from a 2X CD-ROM.


Bob Kennedy

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