AmigaOS3.5 (855/967)

From:Sj�berg Magnus, Dyn�s
Date:26 May 2000 at 06:58:58
Subject:RE: cd transfer rates

mark krawczuk wrote:

>hi i have the powerflyer and they say that it gets up to 11m/sec.
>i am absolutely getting no where near that , i dont reckon that i am even
>getting 1m/sec, even copying to ram....
> any clues?

The powerflyer might be able of 11MB/s but that doesn't make your CD/HD
any faster than it is. In my case, a speed test of my old 2.5" HD gave
0.8MB/s while I got 5.5MB/s from the newer 3.5" HD.

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days