AmigaOS3.5 (836/967)

From:Michael Rozeboom
Date:25 May 2000 at 12:32:57
Subject:Re: CD Players


On 25-May-00, you remarked:

>TS Hi Don

>TS On 24-Maj-00, you wrote:

>TS> It will work best with a Plextor CD ROM. I don't see any logical reason
>TS> why a CD writer should be better for this than a plain CD ROM.

>TS Well, I might have had bad luck then because all CD-Rom's that I have
>TS tried have failed to copy music. The only times it has worked is when I
>TS have borrowed a cd-writer. So, from my experience it works with a burner
>TS but not necessarily with a plain CD-rom.

I tried to copy music many years back, with a Toshiba CD. Never worked,
seems Toshiba decided that feature wasn't one they wanted us messing with.

I tried last night with MakeCD and a Plextor (4Plex) CDRom, and it worked.
Writing to the hard drive was (almost) real time. (The Zip drive was another
story, about 45 mins would've been needed).

The result was a 60M CDDA file.



Michael Rozeboom
__ /// B2000-060/OS 3.5/67M
\\\/// Member, Team *AMIGA* SCSI-II: 2.2Gig HD & CDRom
\XX/ CV64-3D & 19" VGA Monitor.
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.

To err is Human. To blame someone else is politics.

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