AmigaOS3.5 (808/967)

From:Kennedy, Bob
Date:24 May 2000 at 13:10:51
Subject:HD Questions-Slightly OT

Hi everybody,

I'm prepping an A3000 for OS 3.5 (the ROM's aren't in yet.) I found a used
Maxtor MXT-540S half gig HD & tried to prep it on my OS 3.1 A2000 with GVP
Combo revision 4.4 SCSI controller. The drive data comes up nicely in the
GVP prep software, but the drive seems write protected. I set up the
partition and try to write the RDB, but nothing happens. My local Amiga
dealer recalls seeing some network boot HD's with a jumper for write
protection. Is this a possibility? (BTW, the firmware claims that the drive
is an IBM.)

Drive date: IBM model MXT 540SL !N Rev. JA6I

While I'm here, has anyone used an HP D3635-60062 JK5-SCSI drive? This is a
one gig drive that came out of a 486 HP brand server. I know it worked when
I pulled it. On the GVP card & on a 2091 it allows booting, but locks the
system when polled by just about any SCSI software I know.


Bob Kennedy

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