AmigaOS3.5 (79/967)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:2 May 2000 at 21:14:02
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 & PPC

Hello Roger

On 03-May-00, you wrote:

> Shane - you're correct.
> I have a Blizzard PPC in my 1200.
> To make it clean for ppc.library (to use warpOS),
> download BPPCfix from aminet, put it in c: add this line to the beginning
> of s:startup-sequence "Run >NIL: C:BPPCfix install reboot" your amiga
> reboots, clean for the flashROM ppc.library.
> Make sure you have the correct envarc: settings (powerpc/), read more in
> the docs for bppcfix.
> Make sure you don't use any ppc datatypes, mpeg.library
> or other files. Install ppclibemu (get it from aminet) in your libs:, get
> the WarpOS version of mpeg.library (from aminet) and install the freeware
> version of jpeg.datatype and png.datatype for WOS (get it from Aminet).
Yeah - the WarpOS jpeg & PNG datatypes are the fastest datatypes in the
amiga range !
> Maybe this sounds like a lot to do, but it isn't, and if you do it and
> mean it took a while, believe me - it's worth it.
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Shane Ponting
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