AmigaOS3.5 (669/967)

From:Warren Katchmar
Date:19 May 2000 at 13:06:56
Subject:Re: AsimCDFS

Hello Duane

> Hi Again,

> I have been trying to install AsimCDFS and have been unable to do so. The
> installer gets to the point where it is copying asimcdfs.device to the
> file, and then says that it "Can't open file DOS Error Type: Unable to
> locate a file or drawer. Unfortunatly, this message is infront of the
> requstor that is telling me what is going on, and can't be moved. The
> last thing I saw before it appeared was that it was copying
> asimcdfs.device, and I think it finished that because the file is there,
> complete. Can anyone tell me what is missing so I can finish installing
> AsimCDFS. Thanks for any help. I have tried many times and that message
> keeps coming up.

I think that the installer works with it set to Auto . . .

Warren T Katchmar

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