AmigaOS3.5 (657/967)

From:Kevin Tiernan
Date:19 May 2000 at 13:54:10
Subject:Re: Where's that BoingBag2?

> XM> This all seems reasonable to me, and yet none of it has happened.
> XM> I don't expect things to be perfect every time around, I just expect
> XM> some sort of progress on the critical points.
> Even regular progress reports would be nice...

No-one except H&P can say anything about the progress of 3.5. But I would
hope for another Boing bag sooner rather then later.

Just think when M$ released the bug fix for Win95 they called it Win98 and
charged everyone full price for it. Not that it actually reduced the total
number of bugs, just the most obvious.

Kevin Tiernan IRC The-elf on Arcnet #amiga ICQ 14216328
ICOA Beta Tester -A proud Lincolnshire Yellow Belly-
Member Of Team Amiga Back for the Future

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry