AmigaOS3.5 (639/967)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:18 May 2000 at 20:10:53
Subject:Re: WOS

Hello Sergio

On 19-May-00, you wrote:

> hallo to all,
> can someone can sa y me where i can find
> the WOS library for me Blizz PPC and how install
> them i'm going mad!!
> can someone also say me where i find last 040 lib
> for the blizzppc board i have ,,
I think u just make sure that you have the latest FlashROM data.
> and also how i can remap the rom in fast?

Boot the computer while holding down ESC, a menu should appear.
Go to system & adjust the cycle gadget until MapRom appears then click okay
or whatever it says (don't go there often myself) & click save. It will
boot & be accessing the ROM in fast :-)
> soory for everyone bothered from my
> questions, i'm afraid, and also sorry for
> my bad english
> thanks to all who help and helped me ,
> */Cordiali Saluti,/ ^_^*

Shane Ponting
New Zealand

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