AmigaOS3.5 (593/967)

From:Duane A. Miller
Date:18 May 2000 at 01:15:47
Subject:Re: Modem & MIDI

Hello Shane,

I checked and it said 0.11. Neil sent it to me because I was trying to get it
to work better than it did when I first downloaded it. He said he had also
put it on Aminet when he sent it to me.. I have iBrowse, AWeb, and the Demo of
Voyager working with it. I need to get Voyager working a little better

On 17-May-00, you wrote:

>Hi , Hello Duane
>Hi , Are you using version 0.11 of the pcmser.device (Shell command version
>Hi , pcmser.device)
>Hi , On 18-May-00, you wrote:
>Hi ,
>Hi ,> Hi,
>Hi ,>
>Hi ,> I am using a credit card modem in my 1200. When I was on 3.1, I had
>Hi ,> some problems with it when I started Miami. It would sometimes hang up
>Hi ,> while getting online and sometimes I would have to start Miami over
>Hi ,> again. I am using PCMSER by Neil Cafferkey to run it, and since I have
>Hi ,> changed to 3.5 it works just fine. I decided to go to the CC modem so I
>Hi ,> could use the serial port to play MIDI music while I was on the
>Hi ,> internet. This allows me to listen to music before I download it, which
>Hi ,> saves a lot of time and space on my hard drive. I am using Tinymidiplay
>Hi ,> to listen while on the internet.
>Hi ,>
>Hi ,> Auf Wienerschnitzel
>Hi , Regards


>From the Digest: The state-sponsored Icelandic Board of Tourism
was once responsible for answering letters to Santa that made it
to Iceland. That is, until the funds dried up in 1982 and the
practice was stopped. In 1995, spending cuts caused a similar
cut in the same service in Greenland.
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