AmigaOS3.5 (49/967)

From:John S. Burger
Date:2 May 2000 at 03:59:37
Subject:Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T

On or about 01-May-00 12:29:57 Norman Austin typed the following words
about "Re: [amigaOS3_5] Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T". My reply is thus...

Hi Norman,

NA> John,

NA> I'm glad you mentioned trying to get rid of this site, as I have now
NA> downloaded all of the files for my Amigas. I have 7 Amigas and
NA> through the years, some of my disks have become unusable through age
NA> or improper storage or various other reasons and I had just bookmarked
NA> this site the other day, without downloading anything. All of my
NA> Amigas have 3.1 ROMs and one of them has 3.5 installed for testing
NA> purposes. What do you suggest people do when their disks go bad? The
NA> software will do no good without the computer and proper ROMs, so who
NA> does this site hurt?

You know, this is not about Amiga. It is about the law and respect for it.
Distributing copyrighted anything without the permission of the copyright
holder is illegal. Who does it hurt? I don't know and neither do you. That
is not the point. Even if it hurts no one it is still against the law.

This do anything if it feels good society that many of us live in today is
a result of this attitude.


*Thor - US Registration Site - WebVision*

This message was composed on *1-May-0 19:49:53 MST*
Via Thor V2.6a

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