AmigaOS3.5 (404/967)

From:Michael Bourne
Date:14 May 2000 at 15:08:24
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 CD

Hello Peter,

>> I downloaded those guides recently, but I can read them only by
>> text mode. What's about this default tool 'XPKG' ? Multiview
>> doesn't show your guides correctly. :-(

>> Multiview gets upset about CR/LF pairs. Simply use a text
>> convert tool to strip the CR (carriage returns) leaving only
>> LFs (linefeed).

>> Multiview will happily show the file then.

> Got any suggestions for such a tool to prevent it happening?

<mmm> I simply used GoldED, but any conversion tools from ms-dos to
Amiga or *nix conventions will work: eg: strip CRs from the file.

There's an old tool called "Convert" that works well for
conversions between Ami/DOS/Mac and back, but there are many
others, mostly CLI commands, on aminet.

> Anyone seen my new Mountlist Guide yet?

yep, looks good, just downloaded it and had a quick look. Good
work, very useful reference.


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