AmigaOS3.5 (341/967)

Date:11 May 2000 at 07:18:07
Subject:Re: RAM

Hi Duane,

On 10-May-00, Duane A. Miller wrote:
DM> Hi Again,

DM> This isn't too serious, but it is annoying. I can't change the RAM disk icon.
DM> I have been using MUI and MWB for years and so have the MWB icon up there. I
DM> wanted to put the new 3.5 icon in it's place. I tried the icon edit tool and
DM> the icon tool on MWB and neither worked. Actually, they did work but as soon
DM> as I rebooted, it went back to the old icon. I was able to change the icons
DM> on the other partitions OK, but not the RAM disk. Thanks for any help.

The trick is RAM: is in RAM memory which is volatile; it forgets everything when the power is turned off.

There are two ways to accomplish what you want.


The old way is to have the RAM: icon you create sitting somewhere on hard disk (you can name it anything you want). Then in the user-startup copy the icon to RAM: as (the name is important). After that you can delete the and WorkBench will still display the icon.

I just checked and I'm still doing things this old way, as I have been since OS 1.2 or so...


The new way (newer, it's been around for a long time now) is to place the icon you want in ENVARC:sys/ and call it making sure it's of type disk. That sets up a default icon for RAM: that will be used next time, and every time, you reboot. Copying ENVARC:sys/ to ENV:sys/ 'should' change the current image immediately.

Another little hint...

If you don't like where WorkBench positions your RAM: icon:

1. Copy ENVARC:sys/ to RAM:
2. Use IconEdit to change the type of the icon to something like project
3. Open the RAM: window and select the icon
4. Choose the menu item icons/leave out
5. Position the icon where you would like WorkBench to place it
6. With the icon selected, choose the menu item icons/snapshot
7. Use IconEdit to change the type of the icon back to disk
8. Copy to ENVARC:sys/

That should do it. The change will take place after the next reboot. Or you could also copy to ENV:sys/ and the change 'should' be immediate.


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