AmigaOS3.5 (337/967)

From:Alan W. Rateliff, II
Date:11 May 2000 at 04:18:55
Subject:A2000 w/ GURU ROM v6 bootup trouble revisited

Okay, first I tried uncommenting the line for "gvpscsi.device" in NSDPatch.cfg
as per the information in the file to patch the "omniscsi.device". Then I
noticed that it mentions omniscsi.device v1.9, whereas mine is v1.1.

I replaced the NSDPatch.cfg from the emergency floppy onto my boot drive, and
still no dice. I considered basing my boot s-s like the one on the floppy,
which includes the unloading (RemLibrary) of workbench.library and
icon.library before running SetPatch. My system works fine off that (on the
floppy, anyhow.)

Does anyone have any theories on what havoc that may cause on my hard drive
s-s? As it stands, I have to boot initially from my floppy, then remove the
floppy after the SetPatch reboot. Then everything works fine. If I boot off
the hard drive, first boot is fine, but I get nothing but crash after crash
after crash (no Guru) after the SetPatch reboot.

Enough to make a guy scream.

Alan W. Rateliff, II - L.I.V.R. // Only Amiga Makes it Possible
(Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed) \X/ Power for Creative Minds... Six Degrees of RC5 Team Effort
ICQ# 12889540 -- Forager: Tallahassee's resident Amiga user!
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