AmigaOS3.5 (254/967)

From:David Oakes
Date:7 May 2000 at 13:25:16
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 Suggestions/Bugs

bcarpign said to amigaOS3_5:

(Sorry, only responding to the ones I know something about - this
appeared very poorly formatted)

> 4. Pointer--My pointer doesn't have correct colors on reboot. Running
> Pointer Prefs and clicking Save or Use the pointer returns
>back to normal. (I am using a 16-bit screen on a CVPPC card)

This is an old 3.0/3.1 problem. Delete
Sys:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/Pointer.prefs and reboot. The .prefs file
is in a pre OS 3.x format and must be deleted before your changes can
be saved.

> Suggestions:

> 1. Change CrossDos icon for PC0: (or any dos disk for that matter)
> to the 3.5 format (not the ugly 3.1 format that says CrossDos).
> (Is it possible to have only one icon shown on the Workbench when
> a disk is inserted--on the Mac if a PC disk is inserted it shows
> only a PC disk with no additional unaccesible Mac disk?)

Unfortunately, this isn't something that H&P or Amiga can fix for us.
CrossDOS is a licensed product, not something that they created
themselves. You as a user, can however use a hex editor and change
the name of the default icon ( within l:CrossDOSFileSystem
to something like and CrossDOS will then use the correct
DefIcon icon.

It is possible to have only one icon shown on the workbench, I've been
using mfs (multifilesystem) for years, but I'm not sure that you'd be
able to find the archive anymore (I don't even have the complete
archive anymore). You can also use the Prefs program Workbench to
hide drives, though that will require manual configuration each time
that you change from an Amiga formatted disk to a PC formatted disk.

> 10. Improve CrossDos so that it can recognize Windows 95/98 long
> filenames!

This has been done. Buy the commercial version of CrossDOS and you'll
get Windows 9x long filename support. Consultron have a right to keep
the latest version commercial and only license an older version for
the OS.

>12. Include a datatype for html--something that is simple,
> so that a flow-blown web browser isn't necessary.

There is an html datatype out there (whether it works well or not is a
matter of opinion, personally I've just got an html filetype with Opus
Magellan and don't mind waiting a couple of seconds for IBrowse to
start and load the .html file). Why make yet another one?

> 1. New Kickstart ROM (so that NSDdevice.cfg and such files aren't
> necessary that makes the Amiga too complicated....with these
> files it starts looking like .ini files on the PC).

There are plans for a new kickstart ROM, with OS 3.6 or 3.7 (if they
actually happen of course). For OS 4.0 and beyond, they're not going
to run on your current Amiga, so why worry about it? :)

> 4. Include a Disk Fix-it program that can handle the new >4 GB
>changes and NSD devices and a better backup program for the Hard
>Drive instead of HD Backup (or BRU)--by the way BRU has a Y2K bug
>where it shows 19100 for the year 2000 when using "bru -g" at the
>command prompt for a archive created in 2000.

<G> You mean that there is actually somebody out there that doesn't
automatically delete BRU on installing a new version of the OS? It
hasn't worked right most of the time since it was introduced with OS
2.04 (and hasn't been changed/updated since then either!).

David Oakes | /// Member: |
Dartmouth NS | \\\/// Team |
Canada | \XX/ AMIGA | ICQ #14502477

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