AmigaOS3.5 (223/967)

From:Peter Hutchison
Date:5 May 2000 at 19:26:47
Subject:RE: Using 20gig Quantum (was: max transfer)

> Hi, I know this was posted a long time ago but I have been thinking of
> bying this HD (Quantum Fireball LCT 10 HDD 20.4GB Ultra ATA/66) and
> was wondering if this worked on the 1200's IDE port or if I needed a
> powerflyer gold. Also with all the harddrive talk on the list at the
> moment does this drive sufer from the same probs eg. filling the last
> partition damages the first one.

You either need a 4Gb+ new FileSystem such as FFS v44, SFS or PFS2
or you can go for PowerFlyer which splits the hard disk into 2/4Gb
bits with its own software to get around the problem. For such a nice
big and fast disk a PowerFlyer will make full use of it!
