AmigaOS3.5 (160/967)

From:David Oakes
Date:4 May 2000 at 08:50:25

tesla said to amigaOS3_5:
>Thanks, David, but i'm still a little confused. I have put "TIME"
>in my 3.5/prefs drawer, and guess what?

That's good. Where was it before? The install for OS 3.5 should have
put it there to begin with. In any event, wherever it was before, I
think that there is a possibility that the directory that it was in
before has other files that belong in WB3.5:Prefs as well. This
includes a directory called Env-Archive and another called Presets.
Both have sub-directories and can have a fair number of files, but
they both belong in WB3.5:Prefs, as well as most Prefs programs.

>It still doesn't save the
>time/date. It DOES always say that it's 1/3/00, but, that isn't
>helping. Sorry for the dumb questions, I am good at the "darkside"
>dos, just have to get up to speed at AmigaDos. :)

Just to try something, start WB3.5/Utilities/Clock, a little clock
will appear on your workbench, check the date/time with it (also check
that the time is actually ticking along) and then start Time and
change the time. When you have adjusted the settings to the current
time, click Use. See what the clock says then.

If the time changed to the current time with that, then I think there
might be a problem with your clock battery. I think you mentioned
that you just had that replaced. Was the correct replacement battery
installed? I ask because you referred to it earlier as a BIOS battery
and that isn't what it is, it is just a CLOCK battery. :) If it is
the right kind, have you left the system running for at least a few
hours to get the battery charged? I think it should need 24 hours for
a full charge, which will then last for approximately 3 months if you
were to actually unplug the Amiga. If the battery hasn't had a chance
to at least partially charge, then there is no way that you can expect
it to keep the time for very long.

If the correct battery is installed & working correctly and the clock
changed to the correct date/time when you clicked on Use, then it
should store the correct date/time in the clock battery when you click
on Save.

>I think that your sasying that I will have to use the shell to move
>TIME to the boot partition? Or am I wrong? If I am right, assume i'm
>a total newbie at this, and please tell mw how to do it, step by

Nope, I'm not saying that. Drag and drop on the Workbench is good
enough to put the file where it needs to be. Just open both the
source directory (where it is now) and the destination directory
(WB3.5:Prefs) and drop it in.

>BTW, thanks to all for replying to my letter, this group is the

You're welcome.

David Oakes | /// Member: |
Dartmouth NS | \\\/// Team |
Canada | \XX/ AMIGA | ICQ #14502477

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won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

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